Exclusive Network
By attending one of Keir’s events, you can expect to benefit firsthand by gaining exposure, connections and relationships with Keir’s World Class network and community of successful entrepreneurs, real estate industry titans & moguls, brokers, developers and investors. Have you ever heard of the concept of Proximity is Power or Your Network is your Net Worth? Well Keir’s events are a shining example and symbol of this powerful concept.

Keir’s insights have been featured in:

By attending one of Keir’s exclusive events, you can expect to undergo a significant transformation in mindset, approach, and most importantly, the results you can expect to achieve in your business and in your life. By building event content and curriculum around his many years of experience as a successful real estate entrepreneur, growing an empire of multi-million dollar companies in brokerage, investment and hospitality, Keir has developed an effective event curriculum, experience, and transformation for those who attend.

Curated Experience
One of the defining characteristics of the events Keir hosts, is that they are all a carefully-curated experience designed a central theme and goal. The events take place at World Class settings and properties, with private Chef and staff, expert activities director that develop planned itineraries which include morning yoga and swim, exercise options, hiking, sailing & boating, social hours, sessions and live entertainment. This is all organized By-Design, to facilitate growth in new areas, experiences, relationships and to create lifelong memories among those who attend.