Energize Your Life and Career


Achieve clarity on what to do today to live an inspired life

Cultivate strong daily routines to supercharge your success

Make tactical changes to increase energy in all areas of life

Enjoy deeper, more rewarding relationships, and more!
Live Inspired Book Overview
Are you ready to live a more energized life, elevate your career, enrich your relationships, achieve new levels of success and realize your true potential?
Let’s GO!
John Lee Dumas
Entrepreneurs on Fire Podcast
Tom Schwab
Founder and CEO of Interview Valet
If you develop certain behaviors, if you commit to living more intentionally and energetically, and if you follow certain steps, it’s possible to live a truly inspired life in every sense.
Sometimes we just get comfortable, we get into a regular mode of working and living, that can feel like we are simply just “showing up”. Life becomes more complex and challenging as we grow older; our responsibilities increase, people become more reliant on us, and the stakes of our life rise as well. It can be easy to get into auto-pilot mode, and just feel like you re going through the motions sometimes.
What this does though, is make it harder for us to live an inspired life, a life driven and fueled with passion, energy, and a commitment to living fully every day to our highest potential. Because a life not lived passionately is a life not lived fully.
Sometimes it’s difficult to know what habits, routines, and strategies are required to live more energetically and intentionally, so we take half measures and try certain things we hear or read about, but don’t get any lasting results.

We sometimes experience negative emotions such as despair, depression, loneliness…as we try and find a way to live a more purposeful and inspired life…but simply cannot find a working roadmap on how to do this.
We invest in programs, books, we read podcasts and listen to speeches even perhaps…but nothing seems to be that spark, that solution we crave.

If you develop certain behaviors, if you commit to living more intentionally and energetically, and if you follow certain steps, it’s possible to live a truly inspired life in every sense!
This book is divided into 7 parts:
If you implement the teachings and lessons I have developed and implemented to create an extraordinary life, you can expect the following as these short, inspirational readings will empower you to:

Achieve clarity on what to do today to live an inspired life

Cultivate strong daily routines to supercharge your success

Make tactical changes to increase energy in all areas of life

Enjoy deeper, more rewarding relationships, and more!

Keir’s insights have been featured in:

— Rory Vaden, New York Times bestselling author of Take the Stairs and Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker
“Keir’s insights are practical, valuable, and ‘real world’ ready. Take 5 minutes to try one of the tips or strategies featured in the book and see for yourself!”
— Jared Kleinert: TED Speaker, Award-Winning Author, and USA Today’s “Most Connected Millennial” Keynote Speaker

“We are all products of our past experiences, successes, and failures. Each of us has to decide whether we are victims or victors. Keir Weimer has laid his past bare and provides practical wisdom for living an inspired life. This book will help you grow as a person and become a victor.”
— Adam Weitsman
“Live Inspired! is a wonderful outcome of Keir’s story…and more importantly his resilience. He blends his lessons learned, and from them offers powerful principles to practice. A great read for all of us committed to growth and moving from just living to being ALIVE”
— Danny Bader, Best-selling author of Back From Heaven’s Front Porch, Abraham’s Diner, & I Met Jesus for a Miller Lite

“Keir Weimer’s successes were built on a foundation of resilience and unwavering vision. Distilling his triumphs over adversity down to strategic bits of wisdom and easy-to-replicate behaviors, Live Inspired! is sure to help readers achieve results.”
— Hilary Billings, Keynote Speaker and on-camera host at Red Carpet Confidence
“This book will help you live more intentionally, more fully, and grow as a person and a professional. I highly recommend it!”
— Anton J. Gunn, Leadership Consultant

“Keir’s story is powerful and he has generously opened up about his difficult past. He shows he can guide thousands to their own freedom and a better life. This book will change lives.”
— Nick Onken, Celebrity Photographer & Podcaster
“Live Inspired! traces the steps of a journey that no one wants to take… We don’t get to choose what happens in life, but we can choose how we respond. Keir has chosen to grow in compassion and wisdom as a result, and we call all learn from his response.”
— Lisa Fey, Global Speaker and Author on Business Communication