Hey everybody, coming to you live from the rooftop of the Revere Hotel in downtown Boston. Every week we try to share a message that can help you in your life. Messages that can positively impact you to make a change for the better. This week’s topic is, “your message, your experience, and your value is of merit and the world needs to hear it.” So many people get scared about sharing their wisdom, experience, or knowledge with the world. When you can break through that wall of fear and insecurity, and step into contribution, it’s amazing the impact you can have.

Share Your Story

This is transformational because so many people need to hear what you have to say. You have to realize that. I realized that through my work, speaking, contributing, and helping lead groups across the country. I’ve shared my story of redemption, turnaround, and overcoming adversity, as well as more specific skills in real estate, brokerage, entrepreneurship, luxury markets, and development. There are people out there that need to hear what you have to share. You need to step outside of your comfort zone and be ok with feeling uncomfortable. So I want to encourage you to try to break through that insecurity and that fear.

Take my word for it. I’m here in Boston because I’m speaking at an event of a good friend of mine, who’s got a non-profit for climate change. I’m going to be sharing a little bit of my story and the skills, strategies, and mindset training I use to turn things around and become successful. These help me to stay happy and manage all the stress and anxiety, that surrounds modern life as a business person and as an entrepreneur. I’m super excited for opportunities like these. So again, my message today is don’t turn your back on others that need to hear what you have to say. So many people can benefit from your wisdom, experience, and all that you have gone through. Be willing to share that with everyone.

Be Comfortable Feeling Uncomfortable

It’s going to require you to be uncomfortable. It’s going to require you to step outside of your zone. It’s going to require you to feel insecure and awkward at first. But that’s okay because these feelings, connections, and vulnerability that you display will engender connection and community to build rapport, trust, and confidence. You’ll be amazed at the impact of the things that people say afterwards. Hopefully, this is helpful. Have an intentional end of the week and take some time for yourself this weekend too.

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