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Hey everybody! It’s Keir here, coming to you live. Hopefully you’re doing well in handling life, work, and this new environment as well as you can. I hope that you’re healthy and safe as well. My message today is I really want to focus on the number one thing successful people do. I think this is important to realize because we can all learn from these people. No matter if we’ve experienced certain levels of success in our life and career or even if we haven’t yet, we’re still working towards that goal. I think it’s nice to know that the number one thing that most successful people know and do regularly is something we all implement in our life. That is continuing to invest in themselves.

Think about that for a minute. These people are always a student of their craft or career. These leaders remain teachable, coachable, and humble. This also means they’ve come to realize that even a leader has never truly made it to the destination because our goals are always moving. The goalpost constantly moves, so we simply need to adjust our goals. We need to think bigger, dream larger, and challenge ourselves to grow our ambition so that we can continue to raise our level of success. But the number one thing that I’ve found, from all the successful people that I know, have met, worked with, and become friends with is that common denominator of investing in themselves. They’re always trying to find the next skill that will help them get to the next level. Understanding their strengths, improving their weaknesses, understanding delegation and leverage, and leveling up their personal and professional development.

This is extremely important, and especially now, due to the crisis we’re in. This unprecedented in terms of a medical and economic disaster, but the reality that we find ourselves in. So even more than ever it’s important for us to identify the things within our reach that we can seize control of. There’s a lot of things happening around us that we cannot control. Things such as the stock market, sometimes our jobs, and even how those around us are reacting. It’s easy to go down that rabbit hole and get sucked into the negative headlines, the apocalyptic scenarios, the doomsday forecasting. But how does that serve us? How does that serve our goals, vision, or growth? It doesn’t. But what does serve these ambitions is realizing that we can seize this unique moment in time.

This is perhaps the most significant time we’ve had since the great recession, at least in my young career and life. We can invest in ourselves now in every sense. We can double down on improving our marketability, our skills, our strengths as a leader, as a career professional, as a business person, or an entrepreneur. I challenge you and empower you to do that. Instead of wasting the time away watching the next Netflix series, make sure you are investing in yourself. It’s okay to use things such as Netflix to relax and re-energize but put investing in yourself first and foremost on your list of priorities.

Take that online course. Find a coach to work with. Spend more time with your current coach on planning for this next chapter of your life.

Be diligent in creating a schedule as different as that might be. Be mindful of the things you’re putting into your mind and your body because our outputs directly are influenced by our inputs. Try to keep a high level of energy. Focus on cultivating and sustaining a strong mindset, and again, control the things you can control. As constrained and limited as our time is, you still have that freedom. So I challenge you to do that. Remember the number one thing most successful people do is they invest in themselves throughout their lifetime. They don’t just go to school, get out, and stop learning. They’re a life long student of the world, and I challenge you to do the same.

So hopefully this was helpful and provided some inspiration and benefits. Remember to stay safe, positive, healthy, and focus on the things we can do. Try to move the needle in those areas. Let’s invest in ourselves and our future, and seize this unique time to get healthier, stronger, and better equipped for this next chapter. We’re already seeing signs of encouragement, both medically and economically. Let’s stay focused on those positive headlines. And again, let’s get excited for the future. Thanks. Have a great rest of your day.

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