I want to talk about why perseverance is power. And why when we persevere through the challenges, the setbacks, the things that we encounter that frustrate our goals, that we can really, really achieve them and become successful and actually exceed our original...
Hey guys, Keir here coming to you for this week’s message, which I’m really, really passionate about. And it’s how to build a team of experts. So I’m going to walk you through how I built some amazing, exemplary, highly skilled and driven...
I want to talk to you about something that has transformed my businesses and my life. And that is this: getting financial control, creating financial management system, creating a powerful profit first system in my businesses. And as a result, really creating...
I want to talk to you a little bit about how meditation has really made me a better entrepreneur and a better person. Meditation into my daily habits for quite some time, actually several years. To varying levels of success. First and foremost, I’ve never really...
I want to talk about how we can upgrade our network in a remote world and why this is so important is that it’s been really hard during this pandemic, right, during 2020. To really get into new rooms, to expand our network, our sphere of influence to get around...