Productivity Hacks

Productivity Hacks

Everybody loves a good list. It’s a great way to consume, digest and remember information. So, I’ll share some of my top productivity hacks that I adapted from a fellow entrepreneur named Joel Brown. The reason why I think these are particularly valuable is that...
The Daily Success Game

The Daily Success Game

There’s a simple exercise that has been made into a game that will help keep you healthy, happy and on the right track to achieving your goals and success. I want to give proper attribution and credit to a friend and colleague of mine in one of my other businesses...
Growth Equals Pain

Growth Equals Pain

Without pain, sacrifice and some suffering, we will never experience true growth and transformation—to go from where we are to where we want to be. Growth equals pain. It’s that simple. Only when we push and move outside of our comfort zone and boundaries can we...
Your Contribution

Your Contribution

How do we go from growth to contribution on the continuum of our personal and professional development in life? One of the things we have to do is something that you probably value and spend a lot of time on—the idea of growth. If you’re like me, you invest a lot of...


The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is to: Decide what you want first. Earlier I shared my thoughts about finding your purpose, your why. It’s really important to know exactly what it is that you want—and what it is that drives you...

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