Your Contribution

Your Contribution

How do we go from growth to contribution on the continuum of our personal and professional development in life? One of the things we have to do is something that you probably value and spend a lot of time on—the idea of growth. If you’re like me, you invest a lot of...

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Year in Review, Year Looking Ahead

Year in Review, Year Looking Ahead

Theres only a couple of days before Christmas, a week and a half before the end of the year. During this time I like to do kind of a year-end review. I like to look back at the prior year. What did I do right? What did I accomplish? Where...

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Create a Freedom-First Mindset and Lifestyle

Create a Freedom-First Mindset and Lifestyle

This week, I want to talk a little bit about what it means to create a freedom first mindset and lifestyle. And by that, I mean placing freedom first. Let's define freedom. What does that mean? Freedom to me really means living your life...

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The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is to: Decide what you want first. Earlier I shared my thoughts about finding your purpose, your why. It’s really important to know exactly what it is that you want—and what it is that drives you...

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Create New Experiences

Create New Experiences

There’s something I think is important for all of us to do regularly—create new experiences for ourselves and others in our lives. Often we get focused on building our businesses, advancing our careers, households or just the day-to-day routines in life, and that’s...

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Why I’m Excited About 2021

Why I’m Excited About 2021

Hey guys, Keir here coming to you live for this week's message. I hope you had an awesome weekend. Hope you're excited and revved up about this week. We've got three weeks left of the year where we're going to push a reset and starting the decade here in 2021....

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Your Evening Routine

Your Evening Routine

Let’s talk about something that we easily overlook—our evening routine. Often we don’t give the same amount of focus to maintaining a strong evening routine as we do our morning routine. But when you don't have a strong evening routine, it affects your next day and...

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I want to talk about the importance of balance, of living life and not just working. It’s about finding balance and making time to embrace the many pleasures we are fortunate to have in this life. Many of us sometimes forget to make living life a priority, to block...

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Get Vulnerable

Get Vulnerable

It’s important to be vulnerable at times. In fact, in certain situations it can be powerful. The definition of vulnerability is this: Capable of being physically or emotionally wounded. It can also mean susceptible to judgment or negative outcomes. Vulnerability is a...

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