Big Tasks First

Big Tasks First

I want to talk about something that’s really important, which is doing big tasks first. By that, I mean, we create a list. When we create our goals for the week and for the day more importantly, on a micro level. Oftentimes if you’re like me, you’ll...
Growth Equals Pain

Growth Equals Pain

Without pain, sacrifice and some suffering, we will never experience true growth and transformation—to go from where we are to where we want to be. Growth equals pain. It’s that simple. Only when we push and move outside of our comfort zone and boundaries can we...
3 Lessons 2020 taught us that can help you in 2021

3 Lessons 2020 taught us that can help you in 2021

I want to talk about three lessons that 2020 taught us that can really help you in 2021. The first lesson is this. We really need to be kind, right to everybody, to our fellow citizen, to our friends, to people in need and to spread more kindness in the world. I think...
Systematic Elevation

Systematic Elevation

It’s time to think about a system I have developed that I call Systematic Elevation. A system and philosophy on life that I have developed and implemented to great benefit that I want to share. Systematic Elevation is the careful, deliberate and methodical progression...
My Personal Commitments for 2021

My Personal Commitments for 2021

We’re getting close to turning the page on 2020; this crazy year in the pandemic and starting the decade a year later in true fashion, renewed focus, renewed hope, and renewed inspiration about what’s ahead. I firmly believe that we’re turning the...

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